Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sugar Alternatives (aka The Lesser of Two Evils)

The topic of sugar is a huge one. There are endless explanations in the media and health industry of why we crave sugar. Hormone imbalance, adrenal depletion, food allergies, imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, comfort, and many more. All of these hold some place in the explanation of why sugar can seem to rule many of our lives. For those who truly crave it, it would definitely be worth investigating where the source of the craving is coming from. The best place to do that is with your trusted holistic health care provider, someone who can help you find a better balance. No matter what the source of our cravings however, there are some good general guidelines about what to avoid and which sugars have less serious health consequences.

If you have blood sugar problems, food allergies or sensitivities, or other chronic immune function issues, then the following rules won't apply. There are more specific ways to work with (or rather without) sugar for chronic issues, that would be important to explore.

However, if you are like many people and have sugar at times, currently don't have chronic illnesses effected by sugar, and would like to do your best to keep it that way, then please read on. The following guidelines give some alternatives that can be used for cooking, baking, and for sweet snacks. But please keep in mind, sugar is not healthy, no matter which way you look at it. I prefer to think of sugar like I think of voting for president - I always pick the lesser of two evils.

And with that said here are my sugar do's and don'ts:

First the Don'ts:

1. First and foremost, get rid of that white sugar from the house (this actually includes brown sugar too). Just throw it out. It's simply not good for you, and is just doing lots of harm. White sugar has absolutely no nutritional value, causes huge spikes in blood glucose levels, & can cause nutritional deficiencies. If those aren't enough reasons for you, refined sugars are linked to diabetes, dental problems, digestive disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder, and even cancer.

There are so many great tasting alternatives to cook and bake with in this day and age, there are no longer any good reasons to choose white sugar.

2. Stop eating High Fructose Corn Syrup. This is an introduction to what will eventually be a blog on reading ingredients on all processed and pre-made foods from the grocery store. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a dangerous additive and is pretty much in everything, so learn to start reading the boxes of food you buy. It is in a huge variety of foods that you will buy at the grocery store- including some "health foods." Read this:

A Great Short Article on the Dangers of HFCS

The Murky World of High Fructose Corn Syrup

3. When you simply must have a little something sweet, stop buying candy and sweets from the conventional grocery store, and start buying them from your local natural food store. There are lots and lots of amazing, delectable, make your mouth water treats, that don't contain all that garbage. Start shopping at a natural food store and see what you can find. Read the ingredients of your treats and buy the ones with the least refined stuff in it. There are these things called "NO Cookies." Let me just say...they are Amaaaaaazing, & they have no "refined" sugars and none of the other stuff that's a lot more harmful. Try them & other treats labeled this way. Find which ones you like & eat those when the cravings hit.
(With this in mind, don't trade a whole crappy cookie that you would have otherwise eaten, for a whole natural cookie, or 3. Remember, moderation is everything. These are alternatives to the really really bad stuff, but they are still NOT health food. I know I've said it before and I will probably say it again, but too much of a good thing....right? So try a few bites, and see if the craving passes.)

4. By Golly-stop eating aspartame! This means Equal, Sweet-n-Low, Nutrasweet, and every drink labeled diet. It's cancer causing and essentially causes your body to go into shock every time you ingest it. There is something called an "excitotoxin" - and aspartame is one of them. Sounds scary, huh? Yeah, well it is. I will save the aspartame discussion for another time, but it just didn't seem right not to mention it in this discussion on sweets. (OMG- and don't forget Splenda. That stuff is equally scary, and yet it hasn't been around long enough for us to fully know the true long terms effects. Go here: The Truth About Splenda.)

Though I have only given you 4 sugar don'ts , there are literally endless things not to do when it comes to sugar. These are the few that come to mind that make it simple and not a total lifestyle overhaul, for the time being. You aren't totally off the hook, because I can always elaborate later on what not to do, and I probably will. This blog should be a guide for when you're really craving, given that the cravings are not all day long.

With that said, here are the DO's:

1. Raw Unrefined Agave Nectar: Mmmmm...my favorite. It's super sweet, it's liquid, has very little of its own flavor and can be used in tons of recipes, so it's very versatile. It also is super low on the glycemic index, so it doesn't cause the typical spikes in blood sugar levels, and is considered one of the safer sugars for diabetics.

Here is one of my favorite recipes with agave nectar for chocolate milk. This is a completely healthy, no yucky added ingredients, just pure yummy chocolate milk that kids of ALL ages will enjoy.
1 c. Raw milk
1-2 tsp. raw cacao powder (raw cacao powder is bitter dark chocolate and is filled with nutrients and antioxidants, not sweetened at all)
a squeeze of agave nectar to taste
optional: add strawberries or bananas- yum!
**mix all ingredients with a hand blender (because the raw cacao powder doesn't mix easily) and enjoy!

2. Stevia: Stevia is amazing. It is like 1000 times sweeter than sugar- so you need the teeniest bit possible. You can buy it in packets for your coffee or tea- and it comes in a base powder of FOS (a healthy starch from artichokes) or some other starch, so that you can use a normal amount. Be sure to read the ingredients if you buy it in this form. Stevia is also considered completely safe for diabetics and actually has been used as an herb to help people with blood sugar problems. Until recently it was hard to buy outside of the herbal section of your natural food store because sugar companies lobbied the FDA to not let it be sold as a sweetener. They were very scared of its amazingness and they were successful for a long time. Unlike here, it has been used for quite a long time in soft drinks and candies in Japan and other places. It has finally been regulated to be sold as a sweetener in the U.S., so you can now find it in any natural food store. The only downside to stevia is that if you use too much, it can add a slightly funny taste- but using the packets does help to regulate this. I don't recommend it so much in baking unless you have a great recipe, but for teas and drinks its great and for a little sweetening in your cooking it works really well too.

3. Maple Syrup: Yum to the tumtum. But not good on the glycemic index at all, so buyer beware. You can buy it in its unrefined form and a person without blood sugar issues can have it. It tastes good, it's all natural, and is delicious in warm quinoa cereal!

A great healthy gluten free and refined sugar free cereal:
1 c. cooked quinoa
1/2 c. raw milk
maple syrup to taste
cut fresh peaches
dash of cinnamon


4. UNREFINED RAW Honey: Honey is like maple syrup, so the basics are pretty much the same. Honey is not as versatile in my opinion as maple syrup, as its not viscous in its raw state - but I like it a lot for sweetening tea and other warm things. It's also very good for people when they have a terribly dry throat or cough and are nursing a cold. Buy local, as honey from your own region has the added benefits of helping with seasonal allergies. You can use it in your cooking as long as you blend it with something warm first to help melt it. Look for good recipes for sweets with honey. Again, high on the glycemic index, but raw natural honey has wonderful health benefits.

My favorite brand.

5. Xylitol: Buy gum with this stuff. Like Xyli-chew. You'll see a lot of the popular brands having xylitol in their gum products now- but be careful. Typically it is not used for the sweetener- rather they often use aspartame. They add xylitol to their products now so that they can claim it helps fight cavities. Which is another beautiful thing about xylitol. You can buy xylitol by the tub and brush your teeth with it - believe it or not. This stuff is awesome & kids love brushing their teeth with it because it's so sweet. You can also use it to sweeten things- but I don't really know how to use it that way. So good luck-and if you find recipes that work let me know!

6. Sucanat (aka Rapadura) Oh awesome Sucanat. I have been making chocolate chip cookies with this stuff for years. It's absolutely hands down the best white sugar substitute there is. Yeah- it's not white- and your cookies come out just a bit darker, but you can substitute it for white sugar in recipes in exact ratios, which is very nice for us less-creative bakers. Sucanat is the unrefined version of sugar cane. It is not separated from the molasses in the drying processing, so it has a caramelly flavor. Again, not so good on the glycemic index, but you can put it in coffee, tea, and baked goods. All-in-all, if you need a sweetener that you can keep in the jar where your white sugar once was- this is it.

(Btw please don't confuse Sucanat with Turbinado Sugar. Turbinado sugar is the browner version of white sugar that is still almost just as refined. Turbinado sugar is the one you can find in coffee shops in the brown packets & it's still not healthy for you.)

7. Last but absolutely not least, eat fruit when you have that craving. Fruit is natural, it's unrefined, and its a great alternative to a candy bar to cure that craving. Strawberries, plums, peaches, they are all so sweet, and sooooooo good. Don't underestimate the power of nature when it comes to your cravings. Experiment with a healthier option, and just see if the craving passes.

Ok that's it. You can be sure that there will be more to come on sugar. For now, you can add this to your home health tool box that is slowly but surely being built. Enjoy this one while you can, because eventually I am going to tell you how to seriously minimize sugars, if not stop them all together, and that one won't be nearly as fun.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why Prevention is the Best Medicine for Your Baby

Prevention is simply the best medicine. Unfortunately, more often than not people first seek medical attention once they are already sick. As adults we have often played too hard, worked too hard, not slept enough, and eaten too much junk food. Our lifestyles have often allowed the layers of aches and pains, funky digestion, and other chronic ailments to set in and take hold. But with babies, it's different....

Aaaaaaaaah babies. They are like little clean slates, like a do over for our family histories of allergies, asthma, eczema, digestion problems, or immune dysfunction issues. Not to say that most babies aren't sick when I first see them. Because that is normally how it happens. But with kids, the layers upon layers of misuse and abuse aren't there yet. Once I treat a child and they heal the original complaint, all that's left is prevention.

The problem is our western minds think "all done," and I don't see them until the next cold or bout of symptoms takes hold. I've decided it's about time I change my tune, and make sure I am educating as much I can on the all too important practice of prevention.

When it comes to babies the general rule is they get sick quickly, and they heal quickly too. This means that when a child gets sick - they get sick fast. A child that had nothing, suddenly has a 103 fever, and is crying inconsolably. It usually comes in the middle of the night and unless you have your remedies and herbal formulas ready, it moves inward fast. For those in my practice who learned what remedies to have at home and what defenses are actually possible at this hour of the night (that don't include Tylenol or Motrin), they also know that kids heal quickly too. A child that at once was not eating, was burning up, and crying, is now running around the house in a whirlwind, like nothing was ever wrong.

What does this mean to me? It means kids' bodies, with proper treatment and care, and without symptom suppression, have so many chances to get better. Their bodies change so quickly, their energy is accessible and available to work with. So we can deal with symptoms, make them better, and use this large amount of available energy to help build healthy immune function and stop family patterns in their tracks.

Here are some things to do at home to give your children the best start possible:

1. Breastfeed as long as is feasible. Breast milk is the best immune builder there is. Do it solely for a minimum of 6 months and you will reduce the chances of your baby ever getting food allergies 3-fold. Do it for longer and you continue to build immune function, regulate your babies hormones, and provide comfort and connection for your baby.

2. Adopt good nutritional values for you while breastfeeding, and your baby once solids are introduced. This seems obvious, I know. Eat organic when possible, avoid processed foods (especially trans fats and corn-syrups), eat grass-fed meats, and make sure everyone is getting good fats. For more information on fats- you'll have to wait for future blogs or do your own research. A good article on the subject with tons of links and resources is here Know Your Fats. A great website on nutrition for children comes from the Nourishing Our Children Campaign. They offer sound advice with solid traditional principles for wellness.

3. Fevers are good. Let's all stop being afraid of fevers. Fevers are the body's own natural defense against infection. The body heats up to kill viruses and bacteria. When we synthetically reduce those fevers with over the counter fever reducers, we are lessening our body's ability to fight off infection. This gives the virus or bacteria a way in, allowing for the beginnings of chronic illness. It also sends the body a message not to work so hard next time, because...well, why bother? If your child has a fever and you are unsure of how high is too high- don't ever hesitate to call your primary health care provider. And when I receive that phone call in the middle of the night, the biggest concern I hear from parents is regarding the comfort of their child as well as for the rest of the family, who sleep and own wellness can be disturbed. This is a valid concern and leads us to #4.

4. Find yourself a good holistic practitioner for when your child falls sick. Western medicine is great. I do not adhere to all or nothing thinking in terms of our different medicines. I believe in integrative care. Let's utilize what different medicines do best and we will truly have integration. In my opinion, western medicine is great at diagnosis. They are amazing at life saving measures such as emergency medicine and surgery. But let's be honest, they are truly lacking when someone has a cold, an infection, digestive problems, diabetes, etc. They have no real treatment. They have symptom suppression, and that can make people feel better. But that will never give true healing or get to the root or cause of the disease or illness. Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture and homeopathy has actual treatment. Get real treatment for your child when she is sick and she will grow to be a healthier adult. Treat an illness so that it doesn't slip deeper into the body by suppressing the symptoms, and you will have not only successfully treated a cold, but you will have made a stronger body for it.

5. Tune ups. In between illness, don't forget to see your holistic health practitioner. This can be hard in our busy western lifestyles. But just schedule it, make it part of your monthly life. Your doing all you can for your babies wellness through diet and nutrition, don't forget there are gentle and yet totally effective practices that can help a child's digestion, sleep, & immune function even when life gets busy and everyone is already healthy. For babies once a month health maintenance is standard in Chinese Medicine. Sho Ni Shin is a Japanese technique used just for this. It is a painless, often comforting, light scratching of the acupuncture meridians and points used for nourishing children's energy. Find an acupuncturist in your area that practices on children and go. Your child will thank you for it for years to come.

These are just a handful of ideas that parents can do at home to help prevent illness. As simple as I may think they are, I realize that some of these ideas can seem a bit overwhelming at first, especially if it's the first time someone's hearing them. How do we allow our children to fever at 104 degrees without a sense of fear or hesitation, if we have never thought this way before? This is a real concern, and one that should not take be taken lightly. Find yourself a trusted holistic practitioner to include in your arsenal of people and tools that you already have for your child. Talk to this person. Talk to people who are already doing it, look online, find like minded parents (there are lots of them), and slowly one can ease into a new way of thinking about their child's health. Good luck!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Got Raw Milk?

In my practice, nutrition is one of the main treatments for my patients on their path to wellness. I see food as medicine, and the more healthy, natural, and unprocessed foods we put in our bodies, the better we feel. On the same note, the more processed and impure foods we eat (which is by far the bulk of the typical American diet), the more symptoms and disease we learn to live with.

I've found that beginning to think about changing one's diet can be an overwhelming and scary endeavor for many people. That's why I strongly believe in finding simple & accessible things people can do to begin the process of making these changes. Starting slowly can make this feel possible, and we do it one step at a time. And the proof is in the pudding. Literally. The truth is, over time people start feeling better when they start to change their diet. I have watched the cravings for people's most stubborn comfort foods fall away as people get used to feeling better in their bodies.

This brings me to the conversation on raw dairy. Over the past several years dairy has gotten a bad name for itself. More and more people are finding dairy is causing all sorts of health problems and are removing it from their diet. This is fine for a small number of people, but the far majority of us could use the health benefits of dairy - just in its more natural, more digestible state. I recommend the switch to raw dairy on a daily basis in my practice. With a bit of education, it is one of the simple changes we can make to feel much better in our bodies.

The current norm for consuming dairy products is that they are all pasteurized and homogenized. For those who don't know, pasteurization is the process of killing off bacteria that causes illness. This is done by heating milk at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time. The problem with pasteurization is that it not only kills the bad stuff - but it kills all the good too. All the vitamins, nutrients, enzymes, and healthy cultures die in the process as well.

Homogenization is the process by which the consistency of milk is made uniform. For anyone who has had milk with the cream left on top- this is non-homogenized milk. The homogenization of milk is another process that again changes the chemical make-up of the milk proteins. It breaks down the proteins in such a way that it becomes very difficult for our bodies to process and metabolize. This can cause histamine reactions, produces phlegm in our bodies, and can lead to other inflammatory responses.

Here is a informative video explaining how the pasteurization and homogenization process happens:

These 2 processes are what have led to this wide spread belief that many of us are lactose intolerant. A better way to describe this, in my opinion, is that many of us are actually "pasteurized and homogenized dairy-intolerant." I can not tell you how many times I have recommended to my "lactose-intolerant" patients to experiment with drinking raw milk. And the countless times the same people have come back with none of digestive and inflammatory symptoms they once had.

Raw milk & cheese are readily available in the San Francisco Bay Area- as well as many other places around the country. Once you know where to go - it's easy to find. Locally, we are lucky to have two major producers, Organic Pastures & Claravale Farms. Both are delicious and I highly recommend either. Here are a few links to help you find your local distributor of raw milk, and some additional resources to begin your raw dairy education.

Where to Find Raw Milk in Your Area

A Great Website all About Raw Milk

Is Raw Milk Safe For Babies?

"The Revolution Will Not Be Pasteurized" : A great (but somewhat long) article on the Raw Milk industry. Please note the final few paragraphs are some of my favorite.

I'll leave you with a couple of videos of a conversation between the owner of Organic Pastures, Mark McAffee & Chiropractor Dale Jacobson. These 2 videos are not in order, but I thought the most ineresting segments of the ones I saw. If you are interested in more chapters, you can double click on the video below and search for more on youtube. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Arnica Montana - First Aid in a Little Blue Bottle

So to continue my stream of consciousness on simple and easy remedies no household should be without, I will now give a brief introduction to the wondrous world of Homeopathy & the amazing remedy, Arnica Montana.

All remedies in their homeopathic form are purely energy medicine. There is no detectable amount of the original material (whether plant, mineral, or animal) left in the final product when we buy it from the store. Rather the energy of the material being used is captured in a base of some kind, usually lactose or sucrose. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Flower essences (i.e. Rescue Remedy) have a somewhat similiar premise. And the beauty of both of these things, is that if it's the right remedy, then it provides healing. If it's not the right remedy, it does nothing, no harm, no side effects, no nothing.

The basic and most important premise of homeopathy is that "like cures like." To understand this in the simplest way, if you were to eat a poisonous plant of some kind, you could in theory take the homeopathic remedy made from the same plant to antidote it. In homeopathy, the more dilute the original herb, the more powerful the remedy gets.

For those of you who have seen those little blue bottles on the endcap of your local natural food store and have seen the numbers 6x, 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, etc., written on the bottles, the numbers are the dosages. The higher the number, the more dilute, and the more powerful.

Homeopathy has had an incredible history too. Discovered only a few centuries ago, it became a popular alternative to some of the very scary medicine being practiced at the time. People liked the idea of being treated by something that could do no real harm, even if it didn't cure their illness, it wouldn't accidentally kill them either. There were homeopathic institutions and entire hospitals popping up all over Europe and North America throughout the 19th century. Sadly, due sharp criticism by a few influential people, a viable and safe treatment almost died. Luckily, since the 1970's it has made a BIG comeback.

If you'd like information with more more technical type words, and perhaps a bit more history on how this medicine has come to be in present day, please follow the links below...

What is Homeopathy?

Wikipedia's Answer to Homeopathy

These websites can surely answer many of the questions you may have. If you seek even more information I highly recommend buying a few good books, as there are literally hundreds written on the subject.

This leads us to one of the most useful homeopathic remedies available, Arnica Montana. Known as "Arnica", it is like a first aid kit rolled up into a little bottle made of teeny-tiny pills. It truly is the mother of all first-aid remedies. That's why I recommend that everyone should have a little bottle of Arnica in their bag, or car, or medicine chest, hopefully sitting right next to the Rescue Remedy you just bought.

Arnica treats trauma. That's its thing. That's what it does. It's good for every fall, every bruise, every flip over the handle bars of your bike. It helps speed recovery exponentially for sprains, strains, surgeries, and more. Arnica helps lead your body into the healing response it needs.

One of the best examples I can think of in using Arnica is a personal story of mine. I had been using and recommending Arnica for years. But never had I had such a perfect example of how Arnica works as the night I reached into my bag and something sharp (to this day I still don't know what it was) slipped under the nail of my thumb. Oh mah gah. I was tired, it had been a long day, and this was PAINFUL to say the least. I mean it hurt really really bad, and it made me irritable, and 15 minutes later when it was still throbbing and I was kind of feeling nauseous from the thought of something going that far under my nail, suddenly...I remembered Arnica. I carefully searched through my bag, found my trusty bottle and popped 2 pellets under my tongue. Literally, I kid you not, within 5 seconds I felt the pain slowly washing away from my thumb, within 15 seconds it was mostly gone, and within a minute my nerves had calmed and I was totally and utterly in awe. It was the best live-action example I had ever had of medicine I already knew worked. It was life altering, and any of those strange voices, that even I get in my head every once in a while - "is this thing working or am I making this up?" were gone. Any doubt that had ever lingered from our overwhelmingly linear-thinking, scientific minded culture had lifted.

Convinced yet? Hopefully.

Because now I am going to explain how you can actually use it safely at home...

1. There are several brands in the store - I prefer Boiron as it is the most readily available that I have found. It comes in the little blue bottle I keep referring to.
2. Dosage - I recommend having 30C for regular home use. Nothing with a higher number- but all the lower dosages are fine : 6, 12, etc.

So a few strange but good rules to follow when using homeopathics:
3. When getting ready to take a dose, shake the bottle up and down a few times. This activates that energy of the remedy, in the same fashion as when it was produced.
4. Don't touch the pellets. The bottle is designed so that you never have to. Hold the bottle so that the cap faces downwards, twist the cap as many times as you want pellets to come out, and pull the cap off. This way you can toss the pellets directly under your tongue.

5. The bottle will say that you need 5 pellets. You don't. 2 is enough. If you want to take 5, that's fine- it won't hurt you - it just won't work any better than 2, and you'll end up buying more sooner.

6. Toss 2 pellets under your tongue and let dissolve. For children that are too young for this concept, you can dissolve two pellets in a small amount of water (which may take a few minutes with this brand) and then give 1 tsp of that water either from a spoon or a dropper right into their mouth. Dispose of the remaining water.

7. For more serious bruises, strains, sprains, surgeries, childbirth, etc. you can safely take Arnica several times over the first 24 -48 hours. For just a little bump - 1 time can be enough.

****One golden rule of thumb in using homeopathy. The purpose of this medicine is to kick start your own body's healing response. This means once any significant change has been noted- stop taking the remedy. It has sufficiently done its job if your body has begun improving. It is not necessary or even really helpful to continue taking it "just incase" or for that extra little boost one might think the body needs to finish the job. With that said however, if your body hits a healing plateau some time after you've noted a nice bit of improvement, or you have a relapse in the healing process, go ahead and take 1 more dose, it will help bring you back to that pattern of healing you had already begun.

Well, I think that is enough to help begin your new relationship with Arnica. This is now the 2nd wonderful thing you can include in your all- natural First-Aid Kit. More to come...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rescue Remedy - Why Everyone Should Have It

By request from my sister I will now explain the ins and outs of why I think Rescue Remedy is a must for all households. For those who don't know about flower essences, let me give a brief introduction. Flower essences are essentially energy medicine, they are similiar to homeopathics in that there is actually none of the flower left in it by the time we consume it, rather just the essence of the flower. In my basic understanding of how they are made I will attempt to explain it here. The flowers are picked at the height of bloom, placed in a bowl of water, let to soak in the sun or some other heat source. The infused water is then used as the base, where only minute amounts are added to a much larger base and then preserved with brandy. Voi-la!

Not too convincing huh? And yet after years of anecdotal research of people in the industry and the personal experiences of thousands, the conclusion is that flower essences are nothing less than amazing. Now Edward Bach himself only came up with 38 remedies and only made 1 combination of those remedies in his lifetime. That one combination is - yep you guessed it...Rescue Remedy.

The 38 remedies originally founded by Edward Bach are not the only flower essences ever discovered. There have been hundreds since his death, made by other companies. However, in my experience you can do a whole lot with just these 38. But let's get back to the matter at hand...why Rescue Remedy for all?

Rescue Remedy is the name brand for a 5 flower essence combination made for stress. It can also work for anxiety, depression, insomnia, wild acting children, and trauma. This is not an exhaustive list, and also Rescue Remedy is NOT a sedative. One very important thing to remember about flower essences, namely Rescue Remedy, is that it acts as a mediator towards balance. It helps our body come back to it's own state of balance - whatever that looks like - and does not impose some false state of happiness or euphoria. Whatever state of balance our body has the potential to be in, on an emotional level, Rescue Remedy can help to guide us there. And that's it. Nothing fancy, nothing too exciting really. Just a nice simple way of helping us to find our way of processing and dealing with what's in front of us the best way we can. Sometimes it's not the right remedy, and that's why we have 38 other flower essence alternatives, as well as all sorts of other medicines. Though with that said, time after time, I have watched Rescue Remedy come to the rescue of our little ones, our stressed out momma-ones, our furry ones, and even our plants. So I recommend it. And here is exactly how I recommend it...

1. I prefer the "generic" version from the company that is not the name brand by BACH FLOWER ESSENCES. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but Bach was bought out a few years back and made into a much larger company. Because of this, in my opinion, there is no longer the personal attention paid to the production of their products as there is at the smaller company that I now prefer. Here is a link to the company I prefer...

FES Flower Essences

This company makes many other flower essences - that are considered the "North American" remedies. Pay no mind to them. The remedies in the blue bottles are the same as the original 38 Bach remedies. The name for Rescue Remedy at this company is "Five Flower Formula."

2. Now with #1 in mind, I also acknowledge that the original Rescue Remedy can be found in almost any natural food store and then some. So it may be a whole lot more accessible to just buy the Rescue Remedy that looks like so...

Also the original Bach brand happens to make very fun and easy to use creams, sprays, candies, etc, etc. Which can be very enticing to the little ones... so I understand the appeal. So the truth is I recommend whichever company you can get your hands on- as both will work just fine.

3. When it comes to flower essences, more is NOT necessarily better. What I mean by this is depending on the need at hand, you may require a smaller amount over a longer period of time, or in times of acute stress one squirt directly into the mouth may suffice.

So for stressful periods of time like a move, or new family member the best way to give rescue remedy is 2-4 drops in everyone's water or beverage over several weeks whenever you remember. It doesn't matter the size of the bottle- you can put 2 drops in an 8 oz cup or a gallon size jug and it will have the exact same effect. This can be done each time you fill up the glass or bottle of liquid and taken throughout the day.

For more acute times, like transitions from school to home, someone falls off the jungle gym, acute moments of separation anxiety when mom or dad leaves the house, nighttime wakings, -then squirting 1 or 2 drops- if they'll let you- directly into the mouth is fine too. But also having a sip of the Rescue Remedy water you have already created- will again have the exact same effect. Again, when it comes to flower essences, more is not necessarily better.

(**One special note here. For infants, administering Rescue Remedy can seem a bit harder, as we are not typically feeding them water from a glass, sippy cup, or bottle. And if the baby is solely breastfeeding, which is of course best, how then do you give them the remedy if it becomes necessary? Well you can still use the water route. Just place a few drops of the water/Rescue Remedy mixture into a plastic syringe or eye dropper and drop a few drops onto their tongue. Simple enough.)

4. I recommend whatever form of Rescue Remedy you carry- creams, sprays, or the generic blue bottle, be sure to have a few bottles lying around. One in mom's purse, on the kitchen counter, near where baby sleeps. You get the idea. So it's easy to grab and easy to remember to use.

5. Lastly, even though I have seemed to say that Rescue Remedy is the cure-all for many emotional upsets - I want to remind you not to overuse it. Don't forget the old adage - "Too much of good thing..." well you know how it goes. It should be used when needed and then appropriately forgotten about until the next time. It should not be used preventatively on a regular basis.

And on that note over time people do forget about this remedy, even those who have faithfully used it for years. In times of stress it's hard to remember the simple and easy remedies that can help make life just a bit easier. I get phone calls all the time and questions asked in my office about what to do in the middle of the night and what can help baby through a difficult growth spurt or times of tantrums in the "terrible twos." And always the first thing I say is Rescue Remedy - Rescue Remedy for all! Don't forget the terrible twos, and the night time difficulties of babies, and illness throughout the whole house is difficult for mom and dad, sister and brother, and not just the person going through the stressful change.

To wrap up my shpiel on why Rescue Remedy is the amazing thing it is I will leave you with a list of some of the many times I think Rescue Remedy can fully shine. Good luck everyone and remember the simplest remedies are often the right ones.

When is Rescue Remedy at its best?

1. Night time wakings
2. Insomnia
3. New baby
4. The In-laws are coming to visit
5. Other house guests are coming to visit
6. Work changes
7. Tantrums
8. Illness
9. Don't forget its great for pets during stressful times too
10. Plants are being repotted
11. Baby experimenting with boundaries
12. Trauma
13. Falling
14. Moving (houses, rooms, etc)
15. Transitions- from school to home, home to school, from any activity to another really where things seem to get a little hairy.
16. Road trips
17. Plane rides
18. Doctor visits! Don't forget doctor visits.
19. Labor & delivery (thanks Juli!)